Hi mummies, my lo is about 7weeks plus and I noted the back of the ears is red and has this sticky liquid. Anyone know what is this?

My girl have this and the worst was when she was 7 months old. But hers will have wound at the joint (where the ear connects with the head). It doesn’t seem to heal and has this yellowish substance which doesn’t dry out completely. I tried to use the cream we were prescribed for het eczema. I applied it once for 3 nights and it has healed.
Read moreIt's too dry already, infection... Need to wash well with saline and then apply cream
I think u can keep area clean Apply some antibiotics cream and bring him to see a doc
Thanks everyone! Brought her to gp and told it was fungal infection.
Looks infected, looks like puss formation. Better try baby ointment
Do clear it well and hope little one is well
Best to bring your lo to the pediatrician...
Looks like pus. Is there any abrasion near the ear?
Dont have abrasion
better to bring ur LO to pd
Think it’s infection
Domestic diva of 3 energetic little heart throb