9 Replies

Super Mum

You’ll need to rule out diseases that will also affect baby. A fever is a symptom of something bad happening in your body.. bringing down the fever on your own without finding out the cause is not safe.. especially when it’s recurrent and the temperature is so high. Please see the doctor asap

VIP Member

Since you are pregnant i suggest to head to GP or poly if you dont wish to go hospital straight.get meds and advice from them but wise is to head to hospital cos scared your baby may be affected.

since your are pregnant . do not take risks . call your doctor and inform your condition . if he request you to admit in hospital. follow his advise

Hi, Please the doc asap as it is crucial to know the cause of fever since it is coming again

VIP Member

Could it be dengue? Do go see a doctor asap!

VIP Member

Best to see a doctor asap take care!

Pls comsult a doc , dun delay

VIP Member

Please visit a Doctor

Doctor now

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