Fever remedy

Hi mummies, kindly share with us your unique fever remedy. Don't feel like let my girl take medicine. Last check the degree was 38.1°c. She is 11 months old. Currently putting the cooling pad on her forehead and neck. Please share with me what can I do for her or anyway to makes her feel better. Usually at what degree then u will let ur kid take medicine?? #advicepls #firstbaby #1stimemom #theasianparentph #breasfeedingmom #thxinadvance #remedy #feverGOAWAY #fever

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Super Mom

Do you know the cause of the fever? If you're not sure it's better to bring her to doctor. Otherwise the only thing you can do is sponging her down with lukewarm water regularly.

4y trước

Hi, ma ma. Hv no idea abt it. Coz now is her teething Period and her dad give her some dark Chocolate fm his black forest chocolate bday cake one day before she fever. Just a bit for her to try. Not sure is it both reason to trigger her fever.