Change Hospital From Private To KK?

Hi mummies, Ive been going to Thompson clinic seeing same gynae for check-up, planning to deliver at TMC. But now, I plan to deliver at KK private which she don't do delivery (due to financial issue at a last minute). How should I go about? I'm at 30 weeks already.

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You can still go to polyclinic to get an referral letter to KKH for sub rate. You just let the doctor know the reason. If you have any document at Thomson, you can bring to show the KKH doctor too or you can ask your thomson doctor to write a letter to KKH . But no matter what just go to polyclinic and get a referral letter

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Hi mummy. Just FYI , I just delivered 3months a go at kkh private under doc John tee , the total bill is ard $1600 cash , natural birth no epidural 4 bedded.

5y trước

Yay! Thanks for the info.

Thành viên VIP

Kkh private may not be cheaper than Thomson, can go through the subsidised route by getting letter from chas gp or polyclinic

Thành viên VIP

Not sure if they accept 30 weeks pregnant lady. But you can try and give them a call

Sorry. Can someone explain to me what is KKH private? Isn't KK gov hospital?

4y trước

That means a private patient not a subsidise patient.

Thành viên VIP

Kkh private price if I'm not wrong is about the same as tmc alr

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referral from polyclinic bah

Can call KKH directly