Reorganising Room For Baby

Hi mummies, I'm expecting my LO in Oct 2021 and cos I stay in a 3 room flat, the other room has been used as a work/storage room. I need to clear it out to make room for the NB and the nanny. But ive heard from old folks you cannot move things out of the house as it affects the unborn baby or something. Is this true? #1stimemom

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What a weird superstition ah all these old folks, lol! You'll have nesting instinct when you're in your late stage of pregnancy. That is when you will feel the strong urge to reorganise or clean your house and it's completely normal. Don't know how many times, basically numerous times that I reorganise my room to make way for my baby's stuff but always remember not to carry or lift heavy things. Leave that to the man to do. I did the heavy lifting when I was pregnant with my 3rd and it actually made my cervix dilated 😬

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3y trước

Yikes! Hope everything was ok. Thanks for the advice!