Nausea and vomiting 🤮
Hi mummies, any remedies for nausea and vomiting? Really felt like shit this whole first trimester. No mood to eat anything and will throw up after each meal..

Try hot ginger tea. Helps with the nausea. Avoid smells that trigger your MS. Buy an ointment and apply on your nose everytime you smell something that makes you nauseous. Siang Pure Oil works for me. I can’t stand the smell of cooking, smell of food, rice, makes me want to throw up everytime but I will keep re-applying the oil and get the heck away from whatever that is triggering my MS. I had bad acid reflux and always gagging in 1st trimester, subsiding now that I’m in 2nd trimester but I still can’t eat white rice or smell soup. Do remember not to go about your day with an empty stomach as it’s not good for your baby. Drink plenty of water to neutralise the acid in your stomach. If all else fails, ask for medication from your doc on your next visit.
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