Double uterus

Hello mummies, im born with double uterus and I'm currently 6 week pregnant. I would like to know if any mummy out there have the same condition and would like to share a few tips with me. Its really abit overwhelming for me. Im also having morning sick which usually worsen in the morning and at night. Im currently taking some hormone pills.

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Super Mom

Hey mama, I can’t identify but just wanted to share a thought with you - I don’t know if you’ve read but there’ve been instances where women with 2 uteruses birth babies months apart from the other. My first thought was: wow! This woman must be really something to have been blessed with 2 uteruses! It is a truly amazing reproductive organ that we possess and I know for now it may be difficult not to worry but I’d suggest that if you just ride the wave and be open to whatever may be you might be pleasantly surprised. Relax and be gentle with yourself. There is only so much within our control. The rest isn’t up to us :) take care mama.

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