Hi mummies im 39 wks and 1 day my edd is on 14 july 2021.
Hi mummies im 39 wks and 1 day my edd is on 14 july 2021. But now i started to feel pain baby is moving and i feel pain contraction in 5 min 5 min should i go to the hospital or wait ?
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Could it be braxton kicks? Pls keep monitoring and if the pain increases as the contractions persist, it’s likely you’re entering into a labour stage soon. Anything unsure quickly call up your gynae and seek their consultation before rushing down to hospital. And if you happen to have blood 🩸 on your panty, it can be a strong or sure indication of labour, that’s is called a bloody show. Right now pls ensure all the items in your maternity bag are ready.
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