37 Weeks 6 days

Hi mummies I'm 37 weeks 6 days today, yesterday i went for my checkup at KKH. And i need to be induced tomorrow as my baby is big at 3.6 (estimate) so the doctor afraid my baby could be more big in 2 weeks time my edd. My worried is I'm very scared, nervous on this 4th pregnancy as this time, i have to sacrifice to be alone during the delivery and the pain moment, as my husband need to take care of my 2 years old son at home and my daughter having exams tomorrow. I can't imagine when my husband not around during the pain came. And all the nurse will avoiding me, since they know our husbands is not with us. I have this experience before on my 1st child when i take class c at kkh all the nurses and doctors are jialat in the ward or in the delivery suit. But when my 3rd child i take class B it was awesome and blessed. But tomorrow i have to take class C again due to my financial.😓 As class B1/B2 need to pay half deposit. So yeah... Here we go again... I hope everything will be better then what i was thought and may god ease everything tomorrow and make it easy smooth on my delivery tomorrow. I will be emotional tomorrow after my husband and my son leaving me at KKH after the admission settled. I will definitely cry at the ward alone thinking/miss my son. And the worse is will be at the delivery suite.😭😓 I hope i can bear the pain this time.

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May you have a smooth delivery and don't think too much. You're about to meet those little one