Baby bottle

Is it possible to let my baby use more den 1 bottle brand at the same time? My baby has recently accepted a new bottle brand but I have previously purchased a few other brands when he is still not used to the new bottle yet.

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May be hard. But every baby is different. Since you already have, then no harm letting him or her try. Either that or you can try to sell off other bottles on carousell.

Can try out first. My baby using 2 brand. As Long the teat not too slow he is ok with it

my baby uses 4 diff brands of bottle since day 1 back at home, no issue

Thành viên VIP

every baby is diff. you can try

Influencer của TAP

My baby is OK with all type of bottle.

5y trước

Wow that's amazing!

Yup mine did 3 diff brands

try out first

Influencer của TAP

yes i did
