Hair not growing at some part

Hi mummies, i shaved my baby’s hair after one month. It’s growing but some parts are not. Is like a V-shape behind. Anybody encounters before? I’m worried that it’s not gonna grow anymore..

Hair not growing at some part
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Thành viên VIP

My baby's hair was like that too, after we shaved it when she was 1 month old.. I used this malay hair oil and now its growing out already.. she's 8 months old now.. not sure if it's because of the oil?

It's normal! It will all grow in nicely! You could use a few drops of olive oil to massage and wash off after half an hour. Do a patch test though, as my baby had a rash when I used EV coconut oil.

Super Mom

Don’t worry! The hair will grow:) different areas grow at different speeds. And baby hair loss is common at around 3 months, some areas more than others too. So give it some time:)

Thành viên VIP

U prob wanna consider shaving again, cause my bb was also like that until I shaved the 2nd time, and now hair is growing out well! :)

it will take awhile to grow. my niece had her fully grown hair at 9-10 months after whole head shaved.

Super Mom

It happened to my LO too. Then we shaved it again at 4 months and eventually it grows out well :)

My baby also like this. I cut short a few times and it will slowly grow back.

Its normal it will grow. I use olive oil to make it grow nicer.

Super Mom

I was thinking of that too! My baby’s hair is patchy too

Thành viên VIP

use olive oil so the hair will grow nicer and faster