Treadmill during early pregnancy
Hi mummies, I am in 5 weeks now. Do you think I can do the treadmill, like maybe 30mins per session? But slow ones.

Very slow walk on the treadmil is okay. However, I do worry more about falling on the treadil rather than the exersize. Do you enjoy walking outdoors instead? It might be much safer for you.
Slow should be fine, I'd just listen to my body, but of course - best to consult your gynae. If not, maybe you'd like to consider other exercises / light activities? :)
Is good to check with your gynae first. If you really want to walk I would suggest you to go to the park for a slow walk instead.
Perhaps slow is still alright, but like what other mummies have suggested, it depends on your condition.
Doctor advised me to totally stop until 2nd trimester but if your gynae says ok then can go ahead
Yes you can do the slow one, but still pls ask your doctor bcs some pregnancy can be different
I think better not or can check with your gynae first. Was told no running..
I think it’s fine, just don’t over-exert.
Best is seek for dr advice first