26 Replies

Super Mum

It’s unlikely that you’ll get breast engorgement immediately after you deliver. Most new mums will have not enough supply for the first few days. No need to bring that:) also, if you’re able to breastfeed/pump milk regularly, you’re much less likely to get engorged.


Too much cabbage will make your milk dried up. Initially was told by fren when check with lc she confirm that cold compress only can be done 2 time a day.

Super Mum

I used cabbage leaf before to help reduce mastitis, it works quite well however don't use too much since it may reduce your milk supply as well

Normally engorgement comes after you are discharge.. If you have engorgement in hospital, can ask for cold pack which works the same way too.

VIP Member

i remembered i had my interns in kkh few years back and the ward's fridge have cabbages for mummies in need. not sure abt now anymore tho

usually engorgement kicks in after a few days after delivery so can still keep it at home first till your engorgement kicks in.

Super Mum

Never heard of it but milk kicks in few days after delivery for some, so you may not need it during hospital stay

VIP Member

Usually engorgement after discharge, like day 4/5. But it can be reduce when you start pump or latch your baby

Cabbage, especially frozen cabbage helps alot. Used it aft 2 days or so. So dont need to bring it to hosp.

VIP Member

I heard of it! But I don’t think you’ll get engorge so quickly after delivery

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