how to flatten tummy after c sec

Hi mummies, i had a c sec in end mar. 2 months have passed and my tummy is still obvious. I am not breastfeeding. How can i flatten my tummy fast? Doctor advised me to exercise after 3 months

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I did Indonesian massage and wrapping but it was really really uncomfortable and tight. But the result was really good and immediate. However I don't think I'll want to do it again because it's so uncomfortable 😅. You can try binding your stomach with an abdominal binder, it might be less effective but more bearable. Also don't worry too much, it's normal to take a year for our body to get back in shape so 2 months is still quite early. Be patient & hang in there!

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Hi there. I work as a wellness coach and I help people to lose weight and get into shape using nutrition and understanding how it helps. I can arrange to do a free body evaluation for you. If you are interested, PM me in WhatsApp @ 90620540

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Influencer của TAP

I use binder everyday for 2 month my tummy did get smaller but now im lazy theres still a bit og tummy

Do post natal massage. It works. Can PM me for contact. She is experienced and extremely good

Influencer của TAP

i find BF most helpful but if not, exercise

Since not bf then start from diet!

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Exercise for me

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