When You Inform Your Company Or Superior About Your Pregnancy?
Hi Mummies, I am just curious when should I tell my superior that I am Pregnant or should I inform? Please give advise. Thanks in advance.

I think it depends on the nature of your work, the symptoms you have, and how comfortable you are with people knowing. I had to tell my bosses early because of my job requirements, but most people tell after the 1st trimester, giving their companies enough time to find cover in preparation for your maternity leave.
Read moreI informed my bosses when I was about 6 weeks. Coz in sales line had to attend after office hour events and drinking session.. Thankfully my bosses were understanding and helped defend me when needed to attend those drinking. For colleagues wise, don't intend to tell them yet until panaroma test results are out.
Read moreI inform around the 1st month, as I'm working in retail line and my job needs to stand and do stocks. After i inform i only need to do cashiering and occasionally they let me sit down to rest if tired (that's when no customer).
I informed my superior once my pregnancy was confirmed by the doc, which was at 9 weeks. My job is quite demanding and i need to take leave/mc to go for checkups, thus its just best to be upfront. Also for my own wellbeing.
Is your work require you to stand hours or carry heavy workloads or OT? (Office) I have ex colleagues informed her dept manager only. Others were just guessing cos her belly shown , till she said yes haha
Read moreMy work is just normal office job. So I will tell my supervisor after 1st trimester so she can start preparing for my maternity.
I informed when I knew about my pregnancy as arrangements need to be made for my work
Yes I did as my work requires standing and OT
I informed them after my first trimester
I informed after 1st trimester
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