Bubble tea during pregnancy

Hi mummies, can I check how often you all drink bbt during pregnancy?

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Super Mom

This is a toughie. Quite frankly, i drank once or twice a week during my first two trimester. (Sometimes can tahan w/o fr a week, then relapse) Understood more regarding baby nutrition quite late & reaching the third tri, i feed my sugar cravings by green juicing & coconut water. Wish i had placed my baby health & nutrition my utmost priority earlier.

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Didn't drink any cos wasn't a fan of it even before pregnancy. But my gynae did mention is ok to drink bubble tea.

6y trước

Wow ur gynae is so good!

I didn’t touch. Cos baby don’t crave sugar. Only savoury food. But I would suggest not to

Super Mom

Avoided. Only take pme or two sip if my husband bought bbmt. Has high sugar content

I try to reduce to once a month. But if I have craving I will go for the warm one

Super Mom

I drank quite often in my second pregnancy as I craved for sugary drinks

When I feel like but won't try to exceed twice a month...

Once a week but will go for lowest sugar level & no ice

Wife didnt at all as too much sugar for her

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Only steal a few sip if husband buy.