Hello Mummies, how often is your kid have fever in childcare? My 2 year old lo almost every 2 to 3 weeks will have fever and sometimes it triggers febrile seizure. How do you prevent and manage it and boost her immune system? Thank you mummies.

My 1st kid used to get sick almost everymth till i have to take unpaid leave before the year end. She was 3 yrs old when i send her to childcare. Either due to flu, stomach virus, hmfd (ever got it twice in a year), cough, etc. her immunity is poor eventhough I started her on multivitamins, supplements. But I find that probiotics works well for her stomach problems. She have this bad reflux since she a baby. But as she goes to pri 1 her immunity gets better w/o supplements. I just need to make sure she have a balanced diet. Even goes to hospital specialist but find no problem. Maybe its the childcare ctr not clean or my child could be stress that is why her immunity is low. But it a different case for my 2nd kid who was from infantcare (different childcare ctr from my 1st) till she is 3 yrs she have not much problem only once due to chickenpox. Both my kid ever hit almost 40degreeC but ec react diffrently. My 1st will be like a jelly even when her temp is above 38.5. but my 2nd still can run around when she was 39.5 which is y usually I wont know she was having fever or sick till I touch her skin.
Read moreIt's quite common for kids to fall sick when they start childcare and they are more expose to germs there. You can give some supplements daily to boost their immune. I used to give my kids sambucol (http://www.iherb.com/Sambucol-Black-Elderberry-For-Kids-Syrup-Berry-Flavor-7-8-fl-oz-230-ml/57291). It is very good especially if your child gets runny nose. The other supplement I gave was childlife first defense (http://www.iherb.com/ChildLife-First-Defense-4-fl-oz-118-5-ml/6367). Also feed them lots of fruits and vegetables. If your child is prone to fever, maybe you can consider boiling some barley once every fortnight.
Read moreI think initially all kids will go through a phase of often feeling sick but it should stabilize in a years time. When they fall sick their immunity get lower and they become more prone to falling sick again so give it some time. But every 2-3 weeks seems too often. Is the childcare doing their due diligence to disinfect the classroom and measure kids temp? Pls feedback to them. You can also try giving sambucol to your kid as this is known to boost their immunity. Get your kid out in the sun everyday too. Sunlight is necessary for stronger kids too
Read moreMy kids had frequent episodes of fevers + flu + cough when they were in school. 2022 was worse for me because I was asked to eventually leave my job as I had to take so much leave. My son also has febrile seizures when his fever is high. So I understand how anxious you are. But this year it got better. He’s 2y7m now. I gave him sambucol gummies daily.
Read moreMy girl also fall sick every month when she first started childcare. Fever, cough, runny nose are like super normal for her. 1 month she attends school maybe 2 week or 3 then misses for a week. I also don’t know how to boost, I just let it be and take it as she’s building her own immunity. But I give vitamin supplements and probiotics.
Read moreHow long has your kid been in childcare? Initially it gets a little tough as our kid needs time for their immune system to build up. I will give lots of fruits and vegetable for vitamins and healthy diet. Introduce probiotics for a healthy gut. I also give multivitamin for them daily
Read moreIt took me about a year for my boy to settle down. He had fever way too often. Try to give him vitamins to help boost the immune system. Fruits, water and vegetables as well.
Mine used to have fever once every month for the six months. I brought her to see a TCM to build up immunity!
if u are keen to use essential oil to help manage, let me know!
Can consume friendly bacteria to boost their immune levels