1st solid food
hi mummies, how many months when u all start to give ur LO a solid food ? what fruits and veggie and how u prepare it? thank u

6 months is the advisable age to start solid. PD suggest to start veggie purée first before fruits as fruits are sweeter, LO may not be interest with veggie after trying out fruit first. Tried the method and my girl has no issue with eating veg till now. Blanch the veg then blend it, freeze the veg purée in the freezer. For fruits, just smash or blend it, don’t need to cook and freeze it in the freezer. To thaw the fruit purée, I use a big bowl with hot water then put s small bowl with the purée and cover it up. You can steam the veg purée to thaw/warm it up before serving. Fruits thaw faster and don’t need to serve too hot.
Read more6 months! avocado, sweet potato, pumpkins, carrots are easy first food to introduce! For avocado, just smash, and add some milk (formula or BM are fine) to smoothen the texture. For sweet potato, carrots and pumpkin, just steam and smash! :)
Hi mummy, I have shared on my post or you can check my ig @MummyJLife hope it helps! https://community.theasianparent.com/q/first-food-i-gave-babyi-started-when-5-month-oldi-started-with-1-sc/1682976?d=mobile&ct=q&share=true
Read morei started when he was 5months. at first give him single menu like Avocado puree. but he dont like.. so next i give him potato, carrot, minced pork, onion puree.. and he loves it!! my Lo loves savoury more than sweet one
On 6th month onwards .. boiled n mashed apple , sweet potato purée , banana purée .. boiled n mashed egg .. potato mash , cerelac etc u may can check in YouTube baby foods n pprtn there are a lot of recipes avail ..
I started with rice cereal with breastmilk for a week. Followed by carrots then pumpkin. Hes in his 2nd week of solid now. He eats a few mouthful only each time but i believe he is still getting used to it.
Cereals, puréed fruits, veg, I started at 5-6 months But u can watch baby and see if baby have signs that want to start weaning Can actually start from 4 months
Read moreI started at 6 months but my PD actually said can start at 4 mth. Started with steamed pumpkin, then sweet potato, followed by fruit puree
6 months. I started with plain yoghurt then added Apple purée to it. Veggie purée carrots potato broccoli cauliflower sweet potato
My mum started porridge with carrot, pumpkin and potato. Need to test 1 ingredients at a time for 3 days to ensure no allergy.