Cleaning tongue

Hi mummies, how do you clean your infant’s tongue? I use a gauze with warm water, but can only clean the tip of her tongue.. Any deeper, she’ll cry.. Tips?

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I use a wash cloth with lukewarm/room temperature water! My daughter cried when I first try to clean her mouth, but after awhile she got used to it n would not struggle as much! Just keep trying, my Friend? Gently coax her by telling her step by step what you’re gonna do next?

5y trước

I shall try again tomorrow! 💪🏽 Thankss

Influencer của TAP

Use baby face towelette with warm water. No need to probe and clean too deep. As baby grows, you will Naturally be able to clean deeper

How young is your infant? I have the same prob too. She will cry and I can’t clean any deeper 😩

5y trước

Same. I scared too deep she will vomit 🤢

Thành viên VIP

We clean the tongue during baby's bath time. We would put a clean cloth in and quickly wipe the tongue.

Thành viên VIP

I use a soft towel and warm water to clean baby’s mouth and tongue

Hi, I would suggest consult your PD for these suggestions :)

Thành viên VIP

A clean cloth is good enough(:

Thành viên VIP

I m facing same problems ):

Just a clean handkerchief