White Tongue
Hi mommies, i need help how do you clear your baby 2 months old tongue that has white color spot on the tongue due to milk fomual? Tried to use cloth and warm water to clean it but is still there

This may sound harsh but I scrape it off GENTLY using my nails. She didn’t cry nor choke whatsoever. Just got to hold her a little firmly while I used my finger to gently scrape it off. Baby’s white tongue was damn thick. Tried using wet cloth too but didn’t work at all. After I scraped it off, I could see a lot of difference. And then I just used a tongue cleaner (got it from Shopee) and clean twice a day. Also if you feed more formula, baby’s tongue tend to get white easily.
Read moreHave to ask the pedia or nurse as it might be a thrush if not easy to remove, but if can easily wash off its just the milk leftover, try to let ur baby sip little bit of water, sip only but not too much then wipe his tongue use washcloth dip in warm boiled or distilled water before he takes a bath or in the morning n evening
Read moreYar,if its doesnt come out it can be trush, you must go and see doc so they can provide necesscary care for both of you. Makesure ur nipple doesnt have any open wound ,cuts or etc as the trush can transmit into your breast.
Try using a washcloth? If its hard to come out and when u wipe out it has some blood then might be oral thrush. Which u may need to consult PD to get some gel to apply on LO tongue.
i used a Disposable tongue cleaner from shopee & water to scrap of. the type with rectangular Gauze on a stick
can try using those sterilized gauze from guardian or watson! it’s a tip from my nanny n it helps so much
Is very thick? I went to polyclinic they gave me something to clean.
It could be thrush. Need to go see a do