Breastfeeding is tiring

Hi mummies. Ftm here. I am breastfeeding as well as pumping as I have rather more than enough milk supply. My qns is how do you have enough energy to keep you through the day and night? Any supplement or jamu or herbal to up the energy level? I find myself getting exhausted after every feeding and pumping and resorted to sweet drinks and sweet snacks. Very unhealthy. I do drink lots of water but I find myself yearning for sweet food to boost my energy. Any supplements or jamu to share will be greatly appreciated as I would love to purchase ASAP ☺️

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Can try chicken essence too, my Friend? I never tried this before myself but I heard it works! For myself, I used to make myself a cup of Milo with oats when I was hungry after pumping! Cos quite a number of ppl said Milo with oats is a milk booster! One stone kill two birds!!

Try taking Al-Kurma. You can get them online from Dhaqq Nutritions... It’s dates juice.. It helped me to boost energy :)