Infant Care Anxiety

Hi Mummies, FTM here.. my baby is turning 4 months old in March and will be going to Infant Care on May 21. Usually at home there s people who will sayang2 her to sleep and play with her as she s a big cryer (she screams). Worried that she wont get the same attention in infant care but I have to send her due to noone avail to look after. How do u mummies take all this positively and be ok with your baby in infant care?

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Super Mom

For infant care the teacher to student ratio is smaller so the teachers can pay quite a bit of attention on each baby so don't worry too much.I would say it's easier if you get them used to it sooner since they haven't developed too much separation anxiety yet

3y trước

yap..hopefully..ill be sending her when she s 5.5mths old.. also now worried if she ll be less attach to me once she enters IFC..