Breast pump issues

Hi mummies, This is my first time bf my baby. My baby latches for like 30-45 mins each side during feeding ( cause she keeps falling asleep till I rub her ears then she will start drinking again). I feel very exhausted cause of this as she feeding lasted for about 45min but in 2 hour time she’s hungry again. I consulted the lactation counsellor at kkh and they advice to pump out excess milk after each latching session so that can measure her intake. I bought a pump from shoppee but my nipples hurt after 10 mins of pumping. Any experience bf mums can help? I’m so clueless. Baby is going 2 months old and I’ve survived so far with 2-4 hours of sleep daily.

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It will take sometime to get used on pumping, also need to make sure you're doing it the right way or positioning the flanges/nipples correctly. I also find it painful at first, but since i'll be returning back for work i had to pump and stash milk. Eventually i managed to get used to it somehow. I bought cheap electric pump and still able to produce milk. I was advised to think happy thoughts/positively as much as possible whenever pumping or baby is latching. Strong will to breastfeed baby and direct latch are some of the key factors to produce more milk, which we know for a fact that it is really tiring and stressful at times but i guess our sacrifices to our LO to provide breast milk will not go in vain.

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