
hi mummies do any of u here encounter gingivitis during pregnancy????? im having gingivitis right now and im pregnant and i search online they say is common during pregnancy.......... ? its so painful couldnt have proper sleep

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Better to visit a dentist to find the source of your discomfort..there are studies to show that pregnant women with gum diseases have higher risk of premature babies or low birth weight babies..you can call up the dental clinic before going down so that you dun need to wait too long before being seen..

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I did root canal extraction when i am pregnant. it is best to ask your dentist what are the medication that you will be having and consult your gynea about it.

Hello i cannot sleep at night beacause of my right leg is so painful..

Go to a dentist for advice. I developed 5 cavities since being pregnant 😦

Super Mom

Go see a dentist, dear. And let the dentist know you’re pregnant

Thành viên VIP

Best to consult your gynaecologist asap take care!