14 Replies

Hi mummy, you can see my previous post abt my son having rashes. Actually its sensitive skin and also heat rash. At first the doctor gave me only moisturizer it didnt help. But when i went back and ask for steriod it helps. Now its getting better and drying up. Maybe you could do a lil thin layer on the face and spread widely. If u lo can use the mitten then i guess its okay. But if not than u apply when ur lo is sleeping. Or generally you can apply lovera they sell mostly at instagram. I tried and it works. All the best mummy. Hope your lo get well soon..

Please use steroids as a super super last resort as steroid withdrawal symptoms is very bad. Google it. Try other moisturiser like cetaphil or ezerra cream. My hubby have eczema and he was dependent on steroid cream. When he stopped, the flare up was even worse than before he started using the steroids. It even made him have cataracts in this eyes as this is one of the side effects is steroid cream. Steroid cream can make your lo dependent on it for a a very long time and it is very difficult to stop.

My baby has ezcema too and whenever it flares up I will just applied steroid cos if I dont, the flared up areas will get worse and start to spread. And remember to apply moisturiser it’s very important. This is based on my first baby who had ezcema too. I know it’s quite reluctant to apply steroid. But we have no choice. Now my first baby is 2years old and her ezcema is almost gone.

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Apply moisturiser e.g. Cetaphil after every shower. Wipe with wet cloth after every feed followed by moisturiser. Don’t let it dry out coz the skin will crack and will have tendencies to get infected.

My 1 year old also suffers from eczema as well. Once a week I will let her soak in a powder I bought by baby aveeno that is for eczema skin. It works wonders.

VIP Member

Ceradan soap and body cream. Its very useful, I apply on my 1.5months old baby and it works well. I can see the result in one day time

Use suubalm kids. It’s formulated by national skin center for ezcema. It really works wonder

Use ceradan ,it does not have any side effects.

VIP Member

Do see the pd to get proper medication etc

VIP Member

Try physiogel a.i

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