How To Train A Toddler Sleep Early?

Hi all mummies!! Currently my son is 1 yr 6mths and he is hyper active. Usually he took nap noon time about 2 hrs and sleep at night about 12am to 1am.i am bit penat to handle this. Can all mummies share your advice ke, methods ke, strategy ke apa-apa lah yang boleh help through this to train my son sleep early like other babies do.. Tqvm in advance

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Hi mommy. Try bg dia penat waktu ptg tu. Bawa ke playground ke, atau jalan2 kt area rumah. It's good dia nap 2 hours. Tp ada org tak bg anak nap sbb nk bg dia penat.

5y trước

Tq for the advice, yes will definitely do bagi dia penat petang