sleeping problem
my son is going to turn 9 months this month.. but it's so hard for him to get a proper naps during the day.. sometimes he just sleep for 30mins and get wake.. and average for his day naps is about only 2hours or less.. and during bedtime,he often to suddenly cried out loud in his sleep and it happens about 2,3 times one night and almost every night..
well it happened to me since my baby 2m . everytime dia mengantuk he will crying and screaming. so i try pakai buai. so far dia akan tidur around 1h so sehari dia akan tidur 2 kali je during the day and i bedung tangan anak i . eventhough now he 1y3m already i still akan bedung and put him in buai
My 2 yo baby boy pun sama. Susah sangat nak tidur especially malam. Mesti akan terjaga n menangis. 😓
I ada dgr jugak brand tu.. nanti boleh la cuba.. sekarang I guna audelia naturals punya yg untuk tidur tu.. tapi macam x berkesan pulak.. n I ada beli narinar punya jugak.. tapi belum try lagi.. nanti u bagi la review kalau dah try ronella tu.. kalau ok,boleh I beli jugak..
my 5month bby also same 😪
Hahaha same with me.. sometimes it works.. but sometimes not.. n if it's not working,he will be so cranky because he already sleepy but cannot sleep..
mom of 1 super active hero!