Mummies can mashed potatoes be freezed?? Like in puree form.

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Yes but we prefer to provide our son with fresh puree whenever we can. Below is the link on how long you can store different kind of food in the fridge or freezer. And other tips

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Yah. I freeze and store in baby food containers. I highly recommend getting the baby cubes container from Pupsik. It's under $20 and been a real life saver for me.

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Yes, it can be freezed, but if you are doing it to feed the little one, then I suggest that always boil a fresh one. It doesn't take much time to boil a potato.

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Yes, it can be frozen and stored but may be gritty/watery when thawed.


Frozen pureed potato can be stored for up to 3 months.

Yes potato can be pureed and be frozen up to 3 months.

Yes! You can.