Scratches on the face

Hey mummies. Do you believe a 3months baby can scratch herself until lidat? Infant care teachers said she scratch herself while putting her to sleep.. ?

Scratches on the face
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Maybe is her own nails. Dont wear mittens it will slow their learning. The baby is learning things through sensory. Mittens will obstruct their grabbing abilities. Just remember to put some cream and trim the nails. She will be fine!😊

Super Mom

Possible. My baby also likes to scratch herself when she is frustrated and wants to sleep. She never scratch her face though.. She always scratch her scalp. You know your baby best. Did your baby scratch herself when she is at home?

5y trước

Yup she do scratch herself but not yet to this extent....

if baby nail long ohhh ya caaaan!my girl use mittens daily or now cut as soon as they are long

Super Mom

Yes with sharp and long nails. Best to trim the nails as frequent as possible esp the corners.

Super Mom

Yes, esp when she is too sleepy and cranky. Dun worry, baby’s skin will heal very fast.

Super Mom

Yes. My baby does that too. Best to make sure your baby's nails are trimmed frequently...

Thành viên VIP

Yes will, this happens to my baby too if I didn’t trim her nails...

Thành viên VIP

Yes, my son did that when his nails are sharp. Have to keep filing.

Thành viên VIP

Is baby nails Long ? My baby have eczema & always scratch himself

Thành viên VIP

Will.. my LO does tat too.. so i mitten her during slptimes

5y trước

Or wear romper tat come with the mitten