To do or not to do.

Hello mummies, just asking anyone goes without using the help of the epidural to manage the pain? Because my friends and family tell me if it’s possible try not use epidural. And I’m kinda worried it’s gonna be really really bad if I don’t opt for one.

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I used the epidural right after my gynae burst my waterbag, I managed to get some sleep but I opted to stop my epidural after a while due to the side effect of shivering and I was too numb that I can’t feel when to push later. Without the epi, the pain was horrible, the contractions is basically the only pain that I can’t take. The pushing, the episiotomy and stitching is actually bearable! I wanted to go back to my epidural during the short but painful contractions however it was too late so I had to bear the pain for the next few hours 😂 Right after the baby and placenta come out, you will feel instant relief! Anyway it’s your own body, you get to decide if you can bear the pain or not and if you can’t, don’t hold it in and opt for the epidural. Don’t let anybody tell you what to do. 😊

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4y trước

Thanks for sharing your experience!!><

My friends & family discourage me taking epidural. Like others mentioned, we thought we could handle the pain but.. hahahah.. No😅 After my water bag burst, the contractions was super painful. I tahan for 30mins & that gas was hopeless. Make me high but not helping with the pain. I opted for epidural, side effect i shiver non stop. But i never regret, it was the best decision i have ever make in my life. I can sleep, i can use hp.. i can take selfie..😜 Getting stitched were pain free.. Everything were very smooth with epidural. if they were to say in a long run you will have back ache due to epidural, the answer is no. All mothers will experience back ache. Listen to what your body wants okay?☺️☺️

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Hello! I thought i would be able to endure the pain but i couldn't as the contraction pain went worse so i had epidural it was the best decision made but there's side effects i kept shivering non stop but when i fell asleep the shivering stops. Importantly, you can't feel anything during your push and stitching. If you are able to endure the pain then you can choose not to have epidural. Is all up to you.

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Super Mom

🙋🏻‍♀️ I relied on laughing gas during labour, & no epidural... You’ll be amazed at what your body is capable of doing. Yes, it is crazy pain! But once baby glides out, the best feeling ever.. Jiayou mummy!! You are strong... but whatever it is. You know your body best. With or without, it’s all good :))

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Thành viên VIP

My pain tolerance is low, so i dont think i will ever make it without epidural. I ask for it right about opening 2/3 the contractions pain already unbearable for me. I think all depend on your pain tolerance it differs for everyone. I do have friends going thru labour without epidural.

Your body, you decide. Just because your friends & family says so, does not mean you have to heed. Don't let anyone influence you when it comes to deciding matters like this. Everyone's pain tolerance are different.

Why dont use when you have a choice for pain killer? Follow your own instincts😊 don’t have to listen/follow friends and family.. Becos you are the one giving birth.

Hihi epidural is your best friend... you are the one giving birth and bearing the pain not your family and friends... so always listen to ur heart...

Thành viên VIP

Thank u to all mummies who shared your experiences, I really do appreciate it, I’m abit anxious as my due date is getting nearer.

Thành viên VIP

I thought of not taking epidural but the pain was so bad that i ended up taking it... And it is the best decision i took...