36 weeks preparation!

Hi mothers. I am 36 weeks and leaving for HL next week. Baby is down and weighing 2.9kg. Dr says I can give birth anytime. During my HL, I plan to do more exercise and read up more on labour stages. I will also be preparing my hospital bag. Can you recommend me simple exercises to do and resources to read up? Hospital bag essential 1. Maternity pads 2. Disposable underwear 3. Jacket 4. One set of discharge clothes for baby and me 5. Ic 6. Toiletries I am giving birth at kkh. Do I have to bring wet wipes and pampers? And if I'm missing out anything from my bag? Thanks everyone.

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For natural delivery, i did: - squats, lunges, hip rotations on yoga ball to open up the pelvis and let baby descend further - try to walk at least 10k steps a day to build stamina and “induce” labour - kegel exercises which are impt to prevent urinary incontinence later If u’re planning to take epidural, i suggest to tune it lower when u’re ready to push so that u can feel the contractions. I didnt and I couldn’t feel a thing so ended up pushing wrongly for 1.5 hrs wasting alot of energy

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Hi you don’t have to bring anything kkh will provide everything for you and your baby. Just bring along extra clothes to go home and phone charger and IC. If u are getting a aircon room then best to bring jacket too. No need maternity pad and disposable underwear, as u will get 2set each and it will be enough for u. Just standby more at home before heading down to your delivery. Have a smooth delivery mummy!

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1y trước

You can also bring a set of clothes for your newborn to go home

Hi, I gave birth in 38th week at KKH after 30 hrs of labour naturally. Baby was 2.7kg. I exercised throughout this period like short walks, squats, butterfly, cat cow, duck and curb walking. Practiced breathing exercises during contractions. I watched comedy videos as they help release oxytocin. Hospital bag dont bring wipes, diapers it will all be given by Hospital as much as you need. Good luck.

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You don’t need maternity pads, disposable underwear or wet wipes and pampers, you’ll get all this. Instead of exercises I suggest long walks every day. My baby was 4 days overdue and I gave birth on the day I walked almost 13km!

Our EDD is around the same time! I added in a burp cloth and a swaddle to use as a blanket for baby. For me, breast pads, peri spray bottle, dark towel, nursing bras, socks, slippers, phone charger and snacks!

Do some of these exercises to prepare you for birth: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRuFBUMIEg8AijQlk32-wn763Pj4309TY&si=IH5T-3W74NwSK6ms I am listening to Crib Sheet audiobook from the libby app.

If u’re planning to breastfeed, i would suggest to bring breast pads and nipple cream! My nipples were soooo sore as i was latching my LO every 2 hrs 🥲

KKH will give wet wipes and pampers..

handphone charger?

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