Newborn night sleeping
Hi moms, is it ok for newborn babies to sleep through the night for 5-6hrs without milk? My LO was born with a low birth rate and currently 13 days old.

Hmm. Is good to feed the baby 3hrly as they are still small. After birth I attend a class that teaches us how to take care and bath baby. If am not wrong either the nurse or doc told me to feed baby regularly every 3hrly the same as day time intake. As they need to grow. When they get bigger and weight stabilise then you can don't need to wake baby up. Perhaps you can drag to 4hrly. I will wake up and feed my baby. Maybe you can give a call to your baby doc and ask.
Read moreAs long as baby is feeding well during the day, i think its ok for them to sleep abit longer at night. Sleep is also important for their development (and our sanity lol!). They will wake up and cry for milk when they get hungry.
should be ok. as long during the day feeding is good and diapers change is good. i fed my baby on demand before 1month old. now at 1 month plus, 2-3hrly. but theres some rare occasions of 1hrly.
For my baby boy. My wife is feeding him on demand and he wakes up every 2 hours when he was 1 month old.
What’s baby’s weight and how much are you feeding during the day?
He weighed lower when born. Thank you!
Please wake your lo up. Especially low birth rate babies.
better wake up n feed to prevent dehydration
Wake him up since you say he has jaundice.
But every baby is different
Almost cleared
Mumsy of 1 playful junior