Any of you having same problem?

Hi mommy, i still haven't get my first period almost 4month after giving birth? Any of you having the same problem with me? I'm a fully breastfeeding mom. I didn't experience this problem with my other kid as im not fully breastfeeding that time.

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Hi there! im experiencing th same thing . w my first after giving birth , i never had period at all . surprisingly i got pregnant w my 2nd without having any period . likewise for th 2nd birth , my son alr 7 months old still no period .. maybe due to exclusive breastfeeding ..

4y trước

oh my.. that is what i don't want, avoid getting pregnant. hehe.. by the way i did google and say it's common for not having period as a fully breastfeeding. thank u for sharing. at least i know im not alone having this problem.

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I'm fully breastfeeding mum only had my menses back 11 months pp

4y trước

ok.. thank for sharing your experience mummy at least i know, im not alone having this experience. 😁😉