Tummy to be back pre pregnancy state.

Hi mommies, I’m currently 3 months after giving birth. May I know when will my tummy be back to pre pregnancy flat tummy. TIA~

Tummy to be back pre pregnancy state.
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My pregnancy weight 51kg, at 39weeks 68kg post 1 month 58.4kg, post-pregnancy 4 months 57kg and stuck at this weight until I went to Tcm slimming + strict diet then post pregnancy 7months 52.3kg. For my case my baby is big at 3.8kg..

4y trước

My pregnancy weight was 38kg. My weight gain all the way to 55.7kg. And now after giving birth I’m still stuck at 47-48kg plus. My baby only 3.2kg.

Super Mom

It depends on individual. I managed to get back to my previous pregnancy weight fast. (within less than 1 month after giving birth.) All I did was breastfeed my baby.

4y trước

I gained a lot too. From 38 until 55 plus.

Super Mom

do give a try on postpartum belly bands aswell. They help big time. This is article has few options along with reviews https://sg.theasianparent.com/postpartum-belly-wrap

4y trước

Okay. Noted. Thankyou for sharing.

I lost weight and back to my pre pregnancy weight after I stopped breastfeeding for a year. breastfeeding didn't help me. I get hungry instead.

4y trước

I lost some weight too. But my tummy still pop out as if I’m few months pregnant. 😅