8 Replies

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I started solids at 5.5 months when my baby is ready. Signs of readiness include ability to sit up unsupported, good neck control, loss of tongue thrust reflex, showing interest in food etc. I gave her Gerber organic oatmeal cereal with breastmilk. You can start with baby cereal or purée. For any new food, remember to introduce a new food at a time, give it during the day and for 3 continuous days to monitor if your baby has any allergic reaction such as rashes, swelling, breathing difficulties.

Im not sure if you can consider it as an interest to food but if we are having our meal he wikl be looking at the food going inside our mouth then his own mouth will move like chrwing the food😅

Recommended age is 6 months onwards and you can try various flavoured combinations like mashed potatoes, avocado, banana, apple, carrot etc.

Thanks mommy... Yet to try for my LO..

6 months. can start with steamed/mashed pumpkin, avocado, sweet potato, carrot

Mine did around 6.5 months and we started with purée sweet potato

6 months , started with purees and rice cereal .

VIP Member

Can start at 6mths old with some fruits puree

VIP Member

6 monthz, cereal


6months, cereal & puree

Thanks mommy

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