9weeks pregnant

Hi mommies out there...im not sure if i can eat saridines at 9weeks...??

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morning sickness doesn’t happen only in the morning. it shld be called all day sickness. i felt nauseous for a week straight from week 6-week7. got Diclectin from doc which helps with the nausea a little. I’m at week 10 now, appetite still not very good. still feel nauseous from time to time and digestion is bad.

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4y trước

Tks for the info ya...😊

Thành viên VIP

Is morning sickness must be morning..??coz i feel nauseas sometimes my taste buds also feel different...is it normal..??feel like vomiting but never vomit...abit confuse..🤔🤔

Thành viên VIP

Yes, good source of protein and calcium.

Tks everyonez😊😊

Thành viên VIP

It’s ok I guess

Think ok. I ate

Thành viên VIP

Yes it's fine

4y trước

Tks so much..😊

Thành viên VIP
