Bleeding at 6weeks

Hi mommies! Im pregnant at 6 weeks now and today is my third day bleeding. Is it normal? Im quite worried

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I had similar event, start bleeding at 6 weeks 5 days. Did ultrascan on the same day I bleed and I found out two things : 1. The baby heartbeats 2. The yolk sac is a bit smaller for the age of 6 week 5 days (seems like just 4 weeks 5 days). I was given duphaston + folic asic. At 7 weeks 5 days, I had brown bleeding (on and off) for 7 days. And on 7th day I had a heavy brown spotting (whole pregnancy symptom stop especially no more tender breast) I rushed to emergency dept to get 2nd opinion and they did vagina ultrasound and confirm that the yolk sac is smaller. Doctor unable to detect heartbeat and they said is still too early (they said yolk sac is just under 6 weeks). They advise to come back in 2 weeks for ultrasound. The next day...I had brown and fresh bleeding. Within 24 hours, I had miscarriage. The whole yolk sac came off. Did I had pain? Yes. Very similar to menstrual pain only. This was my second pregnancy. My experience with 1st pregnancy were only light fresh blood spotting within 48 hrs just about two weeks after my last 1st day of period. This baby is now 3 years old.

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Pls go to A&E doctor will scan and check if bb is ok. U need immediate attention. They might prescribe duphaston to u like they did to me a year ago. Good luck. Don’t delay.

Please go to the hospital soon . As i had my bleeding at 9 weeks . Doctor told me that I’m at the stage of prone threats to miscarriage. But thanks god till today my baby is fine.

4y trước

i’ve went to the hospital yesterday but doc can’t really tell what is it as my baby is still small i hope its nothing serious as this is my first pregnancy

pls check with ur gynae! i had light bleeding at week 10, visited my gynae n doctor said baby was ok as baby's heart was beating but on the 5th day i had a MC

Oh no.. It is not normal. It could lead to a bigger problem. Pls head to your gynae asap. I hope all is well.

Better see gynae as its already 3rd day.. Please dont wait..

Thành viên VIP

Best to consult your gynaecologist asap take care!

This is not normal, better to see gynae

Influencer của TAP

please go see gynae asap, take care

Not normal. Pls see your gynae asap