Pain After Natural Delivery

Hi mommies! I had natural delivery last Friday. Today is my 6th day. I also had stitching at my vagina area near my anus. I had difficulties walking, my joints are so painful. Every step I took makes me want to cry. Anyone with similiar experiences? How to overcome and how long do you recover?

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Yes, I had similar pains as well. Going to the loo was a nightmare. It took me almost 6 weeks to recover / feel no pain while sitting. I felt cheated by my gynae as she told me I would recover in a week or 2. She refused to tell me the number of stitches I had too as she kept averting the question. I also couldn’t walk up and down the stairs as my pelvic and other joints would ache too. I had to sit on a swimming float at home. You must keep the wound clean and not get it infected. I used a perineal bottle for washing and Curacao topical spray. Try to lie down more. You can also ask your gynae to see if there is any infection and take the prescribed painkillers to manage the pain.

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Im sorry too hear ypur plight after the labour experience..My confinement was super strict with my massage lady. My stitches had no problem and it fell off after 1 week. No problem in walking. I guess you really have to take care. Do wash ur stitches with salt water. It helps. Get well soon mummy. Hope the tips helps.

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1 week pp walking is painful for me too but bearable. If u are in pain, don't stand and walk anymore. Bed rest would be good. Keep your wound clean as well. Times flies and you will get over it. Mine took 3 weeks to heal.

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I had difficult in walking after 1 month. The pain was ongoing until i walking like a duck. Recently found out i had transicent osteoporosis ):

Hey, I think it depends on person to person's body condition and healing as well. Do consult your gynae for advise on this please

Yes very uncomfortable. I'm already at my 2 weeks pp and starting to feel better. My stitches are not very painful anymore.

5y trước

Yes, see first if you will get better. Just make sure also your stitches are always clean by washing warm water and change your pad regularly (like every 4 hours). Hope you will feel better soon! :)

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Do see your gynae if you still feel uncomfortable early next week

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Around 2 to 3 weeks.. jus keep area clean n dry after washing

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It took me 1 month to not feel the stitches

Yes. My tear I guess is very bad.