
Hey mommies, i just dont know what to do anymore.. Almost these whole week i feel that i didnt eat anything at all until i get gastric and sometimes its so hard to breathing.. I try to eat even in small amount but i still cant swallow it and yes there is some vitamin from doctor that i should take all the time but the smell is so strong and thats what make me keep on vomiting and dizzy.. Its hurt and im worry about myself and especially for my baby.. Please do anyone suggest what should i do.. I really need help from you guys that have experience and have faced problems like i do..

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Saya pun ada mengalami perkara yang sama, cuba puan gantikan makan dengan buah buahan sbb rasanya agak manis seperti betik, pisang. Sekurang kurangnya ada energy utk badan kita. Mcm saya kena paksa jg walau 2 sudu nasi dgn lauk sardin dan sayur. Makan yang mampu masuk saja, sekurang kurangnya klu keluar balik pun ada isi. Sakit tau kalau kosong. Tapi itulah pengorbanan

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