What should I do? 😭
Assalamualaikum everyone, I accidentally gave birth at home and it was an illegitimate child. I don't have a husband and my family also didn't know about it. I heard that if I give birth at home, I have to make a report at the police station. Is it true? And how do I register my baby at JPN?

It's better to call the ambulance @ paramedic.. BTW, how did u cut baby's umbilical cord? u can't simply do it with others utensil scared it can cause infection. U and the baby need to hospitilize as soon as possible to check everything.. Is ur baby okay? How about u, r u okay? U r so brave, girl... Forget about JPN first or the baby status. Think ur baby safety n ur health status too... Give birth is not a joke.
Đọc thêmyes every birth at home needs to make a police report. do you have the pink book? inform your nearest KK as well. bring the police report to register your baby at JPN, as well as pink book and your IC. you may call JPN to ask for clarification too. by the way are you okay? how’s everything and are you alone or theres someone with you?
Đọc thêmits better to do it at the nearest police station. ask your trusted friend to assist with this. and please, go to your nearest KK to get checked as well ok?
Waalaikumussalam, ada org terdekat boleh bantu awak urus kn report dan pendaftaran anak tk? Tkpe psl status anak tu jgn risau, yg penting recovery awak dan keselamatan baby. Seeloknya inform KK, atau terus ke hosp. Utk cek keadaan awak dan baby 😰
I was alone during the delivery so I'm not really sure if my friend can manage the report and registration of the baby on my behalf since she was not at the scene but I'll try to contact JPN to ask further questions. Anyway, thank you 🙏🏼