Exclusive pumping
Hi mommies How do you feel about doing exclusive pumping? I have flat nipples and it’s very hard and painful for baby to latch on so my LC recommended exclusive pumping. But baby seems to want to latch on me everytime.. it’s painful and I don’t enjoy it but I feel bad about not latching for my baby.. any mommies feel the same way? :(

Hey mama, I hear you’re thinking of being an exclusive pumping mama. I personally think that it’s great you’re choosing to provide breastmilk for baby - way to go!!! I’d like to recommend using paced feeding when bottle feeding baby with EBM. This helps to mimic breastfeeding where you stop multiple times during a feed - this simulated letdowns if baby were to latch. You can read more about paced bottle feeding here: https://kellymom.com/bf/pumpingmoms/feeding-tools/bottle-feeding/
Read moreMy baby has mild tongue tie issue and that made latching even more painful! i even cried when he was happily latching on me one time. After struggling with the pain for weeks I decided I will do exclusive pumping because it hurts too much and it made me scared for each feedings. I also enjoy the kind of bond when he latches but I guess my happiness is also very important 😂 exclusive pumping for me is happy mother happy baby! So go for it !
Read moreI think its really a personal choice. I preferred pumping as I had to be back in school a month after delivering and felt it was the most practical choice. Partner/ family can take over to feed with the bottle instead. However if you wish to latch, TMC lactation consultant gave me a nipple puller to use. Have to do it every time before latching. My daughter was able to latch successfully each time with no issues.
Read moreMe facing the same .. mine not fully flatted nipples , but baby couldn’t latch bit smaller hence I used nipple shield for support, also I used to pump due to severe pain . Coz of pumping n baby feeding in between my nipples got to normal size n baby happily can latch without needing shield now . My baby now abt 2 months soon . Also don’t worry mama , as far as u r giving bm no need to feel guilty..
Read moreI also pumped exclusively cos my baby doesn’t latch well… in the first 2 months she would seek for the breast but when i offered to her, we couldn’t find establish a good latching and she will always cry… so have been EP since… very occasionally i would be able to latch her and no doubt i love the kind of bond, but not exclusively breastfeeding my daughter doesn’t make me a lesser mum…
Read moreI exclusively pumped for my first boy, intensively for the 1st 6 months then tapered after he was one. fully stopped after he turned 2. i think my major obstacle for EP was the low supply that made me lose even more motivation. also he seemed to lose interest in BM when he turned 2 lol.
I've no issues with exclusive pumping. Although my preference is to latch as much as possible, at the end of the day the only option is the one that is sustainable and practical. It is what it is, I'll follow what the PD or LC recommends, no need to feel bad at all 👍
I have inverted nipple, every time I tried to let my baby latch, she gets frustrated so I started pumping. I used to feel bad for not trying harder but then I realised that’s it’s more important your baby is well fed. So baby happy mama happy. 😊
I have normal nipple but baby has sucking blister and find it hard to latch! in the end just express and feed through special milk bottle. ultimately it's the baby nutritional intake that is the most important.
I stopped latching since week 3 for my 2 boys. I just dont like them to rely too much on me. bottle feed can be done by anyone. so that I can have rest