Hair oil for newborn

Hi Mommie, any recommendation for hair oil to be use for 2 mths old baby?

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I planned on using the "Urang Aring" oil. It is natural ingredients, and it provides thicker, stronger roots and longer hair. I'm pregnant with a girl 😅 My whole generation (females) had been using that oil for ages and they normally apply it since baby.

6y trước

Me too! I'm using for my 9 weeks old baby girl

I used virgin coconut oil or olive oil. Sometimes johnson & johnson oil as well

Organic coconut oil d best!grandma used it my mum use it n now m using it

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U can use either coconut oil or olive oil. It helps in hair growth.

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I used Earth Mama organic hair oil. Available on iherb.

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Use natural oil like olive or coconut oils

Have been using Johnson’s baby!

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Anything organic if possible (:

Super Mom

I use johnson baby oil..

Organic coconut oil