Will mom pouch ever go away

Will this “mom pouch” ever go away? I went thru c sect and i have yet to start my post natal massage and am almost 3 weeks PP. i really hate looking at this saggy stomach will it ever go away. Will i ever get my pre pregnancy body back. 😔 I am skinny and petite pre pregnancy.

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Yes, give your body more time to shrink back. Your body took at least 8 months to expand. Focus on eating well and resting well. Go for your PP massage when it’s time (I’m not sure when is the appropriate time for Csect). You can even go for exercise when your wound is healed. I took 8 months to get back my prepreg body I won’t say it will “go away entirely” since I don’t exercise but it only appears when I sit down so it’s considered normal I guess. I was 42kg prepreg and 61kg at birth for ref.

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