My MIL have been helping me out as I am doing my confinement now, however, at times it can be overbearing especially at night when baby is cranky after his midnight feed. As of today, baby is 18 days old. One problem about her is every time baby cries, be it in his sleep or crying for milk, she will barge in every single time and kept on opening the door to check every 10-15 minutes. it was fine to me,I was glad that at least someone is helping as husband is tired after a long day. Two nights ago baby had slight fever, so i told her baby will be cranky and will be needing his feed every hour cause he drinks very little, and I will b up taking care but if I need help I will let her know. however, she still keep checking and opening the door, I understand her concern of worrying that baby's cries will wake everyone up, but me as a mother, would want to comfort my child and be there for him instead of her coming in and insist on taking him away. The next day, she complain to my husband that I seem like I don't want to let go of baby, even after I explained that it because he was not well. now the husband thinks that I am on the road to post natal depression. how do I juggle a better time management between MIL & myself?

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Talk to your husband. And he just have to really understand and suck it up. It happen to myself. As a husband aspect of things is got to assure the mother that you both are managing And you have to thank your mil for coming to help out. It is important.

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8y trước

of course I do appreciate her every help except for her adding 'salt and pepper' to whatever she is saying in front of my husband that caused any unhappiness. I used to read about how difficult it is to live with in laws and laugh bout it until it happened to me. my husband is in between and I am sure that is not a good feeling being stuck. I feel horrible too, being called 'stupid' because I don't agree with her way of looking after or the lack of baby knowledge. these are just tip of the ic