
LO wide awake even after feeding, formula fed. Never thought parenthood is this hard. It's only a week and i'm exhausted. LO can even wake up every hour for another feed. I need sleep!

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Super Mom

I understand... Sometimes just want them to stay longer in tummy ahha. But trust me, it does get better. My LO is sleeping through the night now & I’m getting better sleep with that too :) Seek help from family if really needed. Jiayou mummy!!

6y trước

Funny how when baby still in stomach, cannot wait for baby to come out. Now baby out, wish baby still in tummy hahahahaha

Thành viên VIP
Super Mom

It is indeed difficult! All of us went through this. Seek for help if needed. You can do it!!!!

Thành viên VIP

I have a newborn, a 1 year old n a 4 yr old.. Im literally zombified. Hang in thr!! 😂

6y trước

Much respect for you!

It will get better!

Hi, I understand your situation. Please have patience. It will be better soon. Happens with newborns.