My 2 weeks old LO is starting to wake up every 1 hour.. Can't be feeding him every hour, any remedy to make him sleep longer? He seems to be awake and alert and I'm totally drained....

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Your 2 week old baby is getting used to the concept of time and sleep. He'll get used it and sleep longer as he gets older. One way to remedy this to teach baby the difference between night and day. When baby is alert and awake during the day, interact and play with him as much as you can, keep the house and his room light and bright, and don't worry about minimizing regular daytime noises. At night, don't play with him when he wakes up. Keep the lights and noise level low, and don't spend too much time talking to him. You can also try to "tank" baby with milk to see if he wakes up less frequently. But a young baby, waking up in the night is a normal occurence.

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Newborn sleep is still immature and driven by the basic needs. Hence, with their smaller stomachs, it is common for them to wake up once few hours (or every hour for your case) to nurse. The duration will gradually lengthen as their sleep cycle matures. Hang in there mummy! You can perhaps try nursing in bed to try and get some rest yourself.

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