baby acne or??

LO is 1 month now and start to have red bumps all over face n scalp. Also seen near collar area. Any suggestions should I wait it out or see doc?? I'm using baby lotion on these areas after bath now.

baby acne or??
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Thành viên VIP

better see a PD. and stop using the lotion that youre currently using for your baby. it might get it worst.

Thành viên VIP

The cheek looks imflammed. I went to dermatologist. Doc said it's baby acne and ecezema.

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5y trước

Yes. But I'm not sure got steroid or not. 1 repair cream to apply first the followed with an ointment. And also 1 small bottle of anitseptic cleanser. Including consultation I think about $180 2 application you can see results. By 4 the day, about 70% recovery. Went back on 8th day for follow up , the rashes almost gone. Doc also prescribed a tone down ointment. Ever since, no flare up. I seen him in late Aug 2019. Until the repair cream still got half tub. Everyday I still apply thinly on her face, if h r neck got rashes I aslo apply thinly.

Thành viên VIP

you got Google Naaman skin clinic. Alotnof mummy intro too

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Warm water and cotton pad to wipe regularly.

Super Mom

Better to see a paediatrician right away

Super Mom

Mild eczema maybe

Thành viên VIP

Go dermatologist