Subsidise or Private?

Hi all! Would like to hear some insights on to why you chose subsidise/private for your labour. I'm pregnant with #2 and am still contemplating whether I should go the sub route or private. First born was KKH subsidised and I kinda find that we're not given much of a choice in decision making (like not wanting to induce, not able to give our birth plan etc). Docs there also seemed to not give any information I need to know or tell me how fetus is doing. 😅 Always the same 'all is normal,will see you next appt' and then I'm done. 🥲 So this time round , I feel like going through subsidise but then upgrade to private later on. (Is that possible? How do I go about it?) What should I prepare for if I chose private? Any recommendations (I'm staying Toa Payoh , so was thinking of either KKH / TMC). Is it worth it taking private as compared to sub? As I don't wanna burden my husband also with the costs 😅 furthermore , it's just a 2-3 days stay at hosp if there's no complications so I don't think I'd want to spend a huge amount of money hahaha! But if I take sub , isit possible for me to get a 4 bedded ward instead of a 6 bedded ward? 😅 Do advise and hope to hear some of y'all stories if you've been through both sub/Pvt and what made you chose ? Thanks in advance for reading 😂 #babynumber2 #AdvisePlease #2022Baby

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I went to TMC as the fee estimates I see online looks quite reasonable for a single bedded, and just a tad more expensive than KKH private. I had to have a c section as it took many hours to get to 4cm dilation and the gynae had concerns that the baby heartbeat seems to dip with every contraction. That total bill came up to $19k+ inclusive of doctor fees. My SIL who was scheduled for c-sect but delivered earlier than scheduled was also considered an emergency c-sect and had to pay 10k on top of medisave. So do bear these potential bills in mind.

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For me, I’m the opposite. I’m private at private hospital but change to sub wk34 due to pregnancy complication so the induce labour was sort of understood already (be it sub or private). To me, I feel that give birth at sub is ok. I give birth at sgh so it’s not as “crowded” as kkh. If I have #2, I will go for private gynae for checkup, but go to public hospital to give birth. I want to be able to scan and see my baby at every appointment.

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thank you all for the replies! I've thought over and decide to go ahead with subsidise 😅 mainly because I feel I could save up the money for a more beneficial thing (prenatal/postnatal massage) rather than a luxury stay 😅 but good to know of the estimated prices , just in case I change my mind in between 😂 this pregnancy makes me middle headed haha! thanks again!!

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Thành viên VIP

i went subsidised first den chg pvt after 20 wks scan..can choose a fixed gynae which is ward only A or b1 and the deposit is quite ex if u have a budget.. delivery wise, choose a good gynae n u will be confident that all will go well under good hands la..if ur under sub n u take 4 bedded u will be auto charged as pvt patient

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yes definitely abt to change from sub to private later. i chose to change at the 3rd trim and chose A ward. total bill about 3-4k at KKH. TMC would be more, i think about 7-10k

4 bedded would mean private, I heard some mummies saying it is possible.. I personally choose sub then switch to pte due to personal reason and preference..