How do you usually decide on your child's name if both are different genders. my #1 is girl and I'm expecting a boy this time. #1 name is Clarabelle. Would you choose a name that begins with the alphabet 'C' for your #2 or? Any nice names to suggest for baby boys?
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i have an 11 mth old and will be due to deliver #2 next mth. i have yet to prepare anything for #2. can mummies with babies 1 year apart share how u prepare for the second one? do i need to get another rocker, cot, more milk bottle storage, etc? wld it be necessary to get a tandem stroller or do u babywear the older one while the newborn gets to sit in the current stroller that u have for #1?
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i am a sahm and i'm now suffering from burnout. Currently, caring for a 3yo toddler and 3mo baby. at times, the demand is too overwhelming especially when both are breastfed and both wakes up for night feed freqently. #1 tends to use his teeth when he feeds which irritates me. while #2 fuss over fast flow and often make a mess. #1 has been d/l and will only want d/l... he refuse to wean. i hate breastfeeding (to certain extend). sorry for such a negative post.
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