Hello...Do you let your child take vacination such as pneumococcal or rotavirus ? Why yes or why no ? Mind sharing your experience any side effect for baby who take or any problem for those who never take .

I gave my son all the optional vaccinations, on top of the compulsory ones - he's taking the last one for Hep A next month :) I think it's important to understand what vaccines are and what they're made for, before you decide whether you want to do a vaccine or not. Vaccinations are weakened/inactive versions of whatever you are vaccinating for - so in a way, you are voluntarily exposing yourself to it. In that case, why should we take vaccinations? It's because they act as a "training program" to teach your body how to fight against it, so if you were to ever get exposed to the actual one - your body is better prepared to fight it = you either don't catch it or have less complications/severity. Think of it as going to army training in case of war! That's also why it's common to have fever after vaccinations, simply because the body is working hard to come up with a battle plan :) I'd personally recommend taking up vaccinations because it has been known to help - maybe not entirely avoid it, but reduce the severity of it. There are also articles of children who have gotten complications and died from viruses that could've been vaccinated against, but they were not given. Either way, there is a list of compulsory vaccinations that children in Singapore has to take - without it being completed, you won't be able to get into primary school!
Read moreOne of my friends was sharing that she just brought her boy for the first shot for pneumococcal. She decided to do it as she is sending her son for preschool and was worried about him being exposed to more of such germs and different types of viruses. She felt that the potential side effects is less damaging than the potential complications from some of the diseases. With regard to side effects, her son complained of pain at the area the injection was given and there was some slight swelling. He also ate less than usual for the day but was alright the next day.
Read morePneumococcal prevents infections such as pneumonia while rotavirus protects the gut. The pneumococcal jab is quite painful, according to the nurse at Polyclinic. Rotavirus is administered orally and has no side effects. We took dose 1 of rotavirus together with hep B at 1mo. Then dose 2 together with 5-in-1 and pneumococcal at 3mo. No side effects except for a once-off very Low grade fever after the 3mo jabs. She cried very hard during the jabs though. Haha.
Read moreThese are optional jabs. My PD advised us to get which we did esp rotavirus. Children are prone to stomach flu and diarrhea. With the rotavirus injection, they are better protected. Understood from PD that children who are not protected from these jabs, get infected by stomach flu easily and some can be real bad. Side effect might be different for different child. My eldest had fever after each injections while my second had no issue with jabs
Read moreYes. My girl has had her vaccinations and we even went to vaccine her against meninggoccal b and c. If there are vaccines available that could reduce the risk of contracting deadly diseases why should we as parents not vaccine our kids with them? She did have a Low grade fever for a day before after her five in one jab, pneumococcal jab and rotarix oral vaccine but it went away after a day
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My baby had all the vaccines recommended in her health booklet. No side effects, at the very most is fever for cpl days. But she didnt get fever for most vaccines, only twice..
Hi, It is recommended to get all the vaccinations done for your little one as they are a must for improving the immune system
I just let my child take all. Recently attended one seminar, the doctor also recommended take all.
My daughter had all the vaccinations as recommended